Monday, 22 December 2014

|Catch- up|

Hey everyone,

The Christmas season is upon us and that means one thing. Money! No I'm totally kidding by the way. Christmas is a time of reflection and seeing what we can do to make the upcoming year better than the last. It also means stuffing your face and seeing family that you only see once a year for a catch up. 

Speaking of catch up. I know I promised a new post every Friday but sometimes that may not happen because.. I HAVE A JOB!! I know, I know its new information for you all to process but this is something in my life that is a big step in me becoming "an adult" earning money. Seeing my pay go in for the work I do(which is waitressing at a restaurant.. I'm not telling you all which one but pigs are involved) seeing my pay go in is such a good feeling because I know how hard I've worked for it and how hard i will continue to work and for that it makes me feel amazing. 

I work with a lot of amazing people all with different interests and I feel like I fit in well with them. It's a different kind of feeling then trying to fit in in school. It just happened naturally at work, not to say that I don't see or don't wanna see the people I spent most of my life with because they will always mean a lot to me. You never forget those people and you also never forget your first job and the people you meet there and I certainly won't forget the people I work with. 

Christmas is also a time for reflection. I got my HSC results and I wasn't please with my result. I'm my own worst enemy and I was certainly hard on myself for my results in the HSC. My dad, was also hard on me but there was a little light at the end of the tunnel. I got a uni offer which is absolutely amazing and was just a massive sigh of relief to know that a university wants me to study with them. 

2015 seems to be a big year, even bigger than 2014 with so many changes coming. I swear that i will also have a schedule to write. I won't ever forget about this little project. I'm already working on some special posts that I think you will like. 

My question for you all; What is your biggest accomplishment of 2014? 
Tweet me your answers I'd LOVE to know 

xoxo Belle 

Thursday, 6 November 2014

| News |


I have good news and bad news
The good news is ...
I will be on an actually schedule starting NEXT WEEK!
That means every Friday be prepared for a post on anything from lessons I'm learning to experiences I'm having or even just random fun stuff that is not thought provoking and making you be all smart and philosophical. SO YAY!

Here Comes the somewhat bad news
In an attempt to make my blog more appealing to more readers I will be updating the structure and format of the blog site. Until I find the right design for the site, the site may change in color, format or any other web design terminology. Don't worry if you come to this site once and it changes to something completely different the next time you come. I'm doing a trial design of different designs until I find the right design that fits the blog itself.

In other news..
I TURN 18 on NOVEMBER 7th !


Saturday, 1 November 2014



Does anyone other than me hate change? Is it human nature to want to change or not change? I'm going through a lot of changes at the moment that I'm starting to accept but there is still that little struggle of accepting the fact that things are not what they used to be. I mean if we, as a society can change from being in the 90s into a new millennium than the transition from being a child to a grown up shouldn't be that hard. But it is.   

This year in particular has been about change. At school I heard about it on a daily basis but I don't think it's really hit me untill now. I don't know how to feel about it. 

For me personally my whole life is changing; I finished high school and am 90% complete with my exams. I turn 18 next week. The prospect of me knowing that I'm not going to be the same person I am now excites me but also scares me. Knowing that my initial plan for performing arts university may not happen for another year is scary but I've accepted it and changed my plans so that I can Audtion next year when I'm much more rounded as a performer. I'll be able to sing stronger and dance better  but I think that if the course I applied for doesn't have me then I can work and earn money In order to get better in my field. That's the one thing I've accepted. 

I'm still a fighter! the passion for the stage will never die within me and I'll get to that stage it just may take an extra year, that's all.

One thing I haven't accepted is that I'm going to be 18 years old. A legal adult. Yes I can drink and vote  (because I live in Australia)  but I don't feel like I'm turning 18, I still honestly feel 14. In planning this big milestone I haven't had a lot of things go my way. My dad has had a lot of input in the party and at times it frustrates me. Then I think well people are going to remember the day not went behind it. I forget that this is hard on him too. I am the baby of the family. I don't think I'll feel what he feels untill I have children myself but I'm sure everything's okay. Letting go is never easy but it is for the benefit of all involved  that it happens. 

Change is scary and things don't always go your way but it's those who are strong enough to accept it are the ones who are happiest in the end 

xoxo Belle

Saturday, 18 October 2014

Busy busy bee

Hey all, 
I'm really sorry I haven't been blogging lately I've just been swamped with emotions and things to do. Let me catch you up on what happened over the last 3 months. 
1. I graduated high school. I graduated with happiness and proudness and also sadness. I know it's just the first step in my new chapter of becoming an adult. I had the people I love most there with me celebrating and I'm glad they were there. 
2. I started my HSC exams. It's been so stressful dealing with these exams that "determine my future". I've only done 3 (at the point of publication) exams and I think I've done okay. It's the relearning of the content that takes the most time. Nightmares and mental breakdowns really get to a person and even though it's not really going to define the rest of my life, I know it is the step to start recognising my limits as a human being and that's okay. I'm accepting of the fact that I will get to my dream eventually. 
3. Speaking of future I have additionally worked out universities that I want to audition for. So far I've applied to audition for 6 different programs revolving around music theatre or theatre in general. I'm excited about the prospects if I'm going to one of these schools to further my training. 

Sorry if it seems like a short post. Studies are keeping me real busy. I have some exciting posts planned for after the 5th of November( my last exam day) 

xoxo belle 

Tuesday, 26 August 2014


Hey all, 
Sorry it's been a while since the last post been really busy. Since our last talk I've done 40% of my final drama exams. My monologue was a hit. I made the markers laugh and I hope the marks reflect how much work I put Into it. My group performance was also quite amazing... Even though they asked us to start again because they couldn't see our faces. We didn't get penalised for it (THANK GOD!) but I'm positive that we did the best job that we could and I hope our marks really reflect that. I also went to see Glenn St theatres production of The Removalists it was good, it was a very different interpretation to what I've seen in the past but it was still interesting to watch. 

Apart from that I've really just been getting results from my trial exams and i think that I could of handled them better and my marks reflect that (our timetable was really screwed up.. I had seven exams in the first five days. Cheers for that organisers!) It doesn't matter what the marks are I'm just motivated to do better (especially in the two subjects I really have the most potiential to get a band six in ) Everyone hits a slump in their life. But this is not the time  to stop working .we are constantly told not to give up and to keep going. We are almost there. But where are we going university? Tafe? Workforce? What if the plans we always had are not realistic goals? 

For me it's always been "I want to be an actor " but I'm only now realising how scary the dream can truly be. I know in my heart how much I'm willing to work and sacrifice to get to my dream but just in the last couple of weeks I'm coming to the conclusion that you can't always take the direct route to you dreams sometimes life will send you the scenic route and that's okay. 

I'm terrified of what's gonna happen from now until December 18th when the results come out but I know that the number will not define my life and my goals. I think that a lot of people forget that it's just a number it doesn't define the rest of your life. If you work hard and are passionate and forget the fear then nothing stands in your way of getting to your goals. 
I know I'll get to them one way or another and if life decides to take me the scenic route then I'll enjoy the journey. I'd rather be happy then be doing something that I hate. I think that's the real goal. Happiness 

xoxo Belle 

Sunday, 10 August 2014

Life is strictly ballroom

I yesterday had the suprise of going to see Strictly Ballroom The Musical for the second time. I was so suprised when we got there we were in the back of the stalls, we then got an upgrade which was so nice of the Lyric Theatre at The Star (thanks team) and we settled into our seats. As soon as the lights came down, the opening bars of blue Danube began and the audience got their first glimpse of the cast walking downstage towards us. I immediately smiled and felt somewhat proud to be seeing the production again. For it's a show that I dare to say is by far my favourite. (Hense the URL of my blog) The minute the cast opened their mouths and started to sing I got shivers of excitement and I started to mouth the lyrics to "When you're Strictly Ballroom" I've only seen the show once before but I have a fantastic memory and I remember things that I really like. I have no bad words to say about the opening it was a big opening sequence with lots of colour, feathers, sparkle and a very enticing quick change onstage ( great job on the costumes Catherine ) I had already lost my once collective mind and dived into the world of happy faces and happy feet. I was already loving Rohan Brown's Ken Railings. His facial expressions in the samba made me do a spit take and I was already done and it was only the opening!

Sophia Katos' Liz Holt was a perfect melodramatic diva that I personally have deep down inside and I'm sure everyone has. The use of sililoquay in the show by Scott, Fran, Shirley and Lez just brought it to the next level of musical. Then here comes Thomas Lacey's Scott Hastings yea we know he can dance, a few barrel turns in the open "dancing his own steps" in the show. I can't say a bad thing about him. I throughout the show wanted to scream out for Scott but I didn't, I kept my cool and saved my fangirling love for the stage door. But HO MY GOD can he sing ! "Shooting Star" will be my new anthem when we finally get a cast album. I wanna pump that shit in my car. Get on it PLEASE ! Then we have the lovely Phoebe Panaretos' Fran She is just.... i can't even finish that sentence thats how dare i say She is the PERFECT Fran for Teejee's Scott. Everybody has a little Fran in them and I know personally that a lot of the time I feel like Fran, feeling like the ugly duckling but like Fran, when she first speaks to Scott she has the hope of being given a chance and thats what I want. I work hard just like Fran and I want to be given a chance to be who i truly am. A performer. During the training sequence, i thought it was extremely clever that every time Fran ran offstage she lost some of her frumpiness in her costume. It showed her transformation really well and showed her journey that Scott takes her on, with her being more comfortable with Scott.

I cried when Scott and Fran sung Time After Time out of pure sadness that I don't have anyone like that yet.(call me Lacey )  I will admit that I began to tear up when Thomas danced because he is just so beautiful when he dances. I saw through his solo that he wasn't just dancing he was expressing who he his and that he was indeed "flying". They were the only times I cried in the First Act.

The finale of act one is the reason why my url is my url. In Scott and Fran learning Real Paso Doble from Rico, Frans father played by the amazing, awesome Fernando Mira he educates them both that although "hot stuff can shake his tail feather he knows chicken shit about rhythm" Rhythm comes from within and its the power within that is real dancing and not to be afraid  of that power because a life lived in fear is a life half lived. Something that Barry Fife and the federation don't realise. In the act one finale Scott has a transformation to becoming a dancer who dances with his heart rather than his feet. He becomes a man in this finale. I lost my mind over the balero jacket that Rico gives to Scott. It is so beautiful and I would seriously give anything to try it on.

If you thought act one was amazing act two is certainly a roller coaster. We start off with pan pacific champions Nathan Starkey and Tina Sparkle announcing that they will be splitting. This naturally sets the whole act up. Kendalls dance studio all agree and organise that Scott will be dancing with Tina. Unbeknownst to them that he was been with Fran and her family relearning how to dance and learning that Life is a leap of faith. Scott wants so badly to change the ballroom world by showing people that it's not just about perfect feet and happy faces, it's about expressing yourself through each step you take each step is home, a palace  in which history is told.

Federation President Barry Fife will do anything to stop this and to stop Scott from revolutionising the world of ballroom he tells Scott the truth about his father, Doug Hastings.  In a clever flashback sequence Drew Forsythes' Doug has the looks, the charm and everything to be a ballroom king with partner Shirley everything is mirrored to Scott's story as he finds out that Doug was bored with dancing federation steps and that cause him to go insane and lose the championships. But the trouble comes when he tells Scott that if Scott makes the same mistake Doug did Doug will probably die. Scott makes the decision to dance like everyone else, for fear of disappointing his dad.(What an idiot). It's only when he lets down Fran and learns the truth about his father is when he comes to his senses.

I cried throughout the ballad of Beautiful Surprise purely for what it stood for. Fran and Scott both feel the same way. She thinks that he is a gutless wonder again and he feels the same way. Scott makes things right by asking Fran to dance in the Latin round. Lucky enough the outfits are all there. Scott makes a dramatic entrance wearing the manly balero jacket and Fran's red flamenco dress sparkles in its own right similar to the one worn in the film. Going against the studio and the federation in order to prove that anyone can dance but it's the passion inside that drives someone to dance without fear. I could tell the passion in both Scott and Fran and Thomas and Phoebe as they danced. It was truly inspiring. However this was cut short as drama unfolds as they dance across the floor. Punch ons and a quick announcement from Barry fife don't stop Scott and Fran from dancing and with encouragement from doug  and the crowd Scott and Fran definitely solidify the new revolution of ballroom. The show ends with love is in the air and a kiss( from which I secretly am dying inside ) and the cast take their long awarded bows. 
I give my standing ovation to the entire cast and inparticular  pals and mentors such as Mike Snell, Kate Wilson and Fernando ( he had a fan club) Rohan, Natalie Gamsu, Drew, Bob Baines, Heather Mitchell and of course Thomas and Phoebe. 

Perhaps the most exciting part is that I was chosen to come onstage and dance with the cast of the show. Ryan Gonzalez was the best dance partner ever. He was so surprised that I could dance (like actually ballroom dance). Best suprise for him. He then left me and I got to dance to about 800 people on the stage of the Lyric. Seriously living my dream. I did what I do best I danced my little heart out and loved it for a full five minutes. I took many bows just thinking how much I want to do It for a living. It inspired me even more to work harder. 

We then gathered in the foyer and people came up and gave me compliments like " are you a plant? Are you apart of the show?" I was like no I wish. 
 I then got to see some of the cast and probably make a complete fool out of myself seeing the gorgeous Thomas Lacey.
We then caught up with Mike  and Fernando who was so suprised he had a mini fan club. It was so cute! 

Seriously if you have a chance see Strictly Ballroom The Musical before it leaves sydney. 
I learnt through the show that listening to your heart is the most important thing. You may disappoint people but as long as you believe in your self the right people will believe in you. 

xoxo Belle

Ps. These photos are copyrited. Please ask my permission for public viewing. 

Thursday, 17 July 2014


You know when you're a kid and grown ups ask you "what do you want to be when you're grown up ?" For me that answer was always along the lines of an actress. But it's not untill you grow up in the reality of the real world that shadows of doubt come. Most call this doubt negativity or reality, essientially clouding your dreams and is a barrier to what you truly want. I'm realising this currently. For as long as I can remember I've always wanted to perform. It's partly the thrill of being on stage, playing pretend, mainly the reason I want to become an actor is to make people happy with my performances. Letting the problem filled world float away and putting all their focus onto what is happening onstage. It wasn't untill I saw my first musical, Mary Poppins in 2010 that I realised I wanted to do musical theatre. 
I went with my school and during the finale Mary flies over the audience she flew up to the back of the theatre, where I was sitting and she stopped mid air for about 45 seconds , she looked at me and it gave me this feeling of enchantment and bewilderment that I just can't express in words. 

It is that same feeling that I want to give to the little girl sitting in the back of the theatre. That's the reason I want to act. 
Will I do anything immoral to get there? No way in hell. I will however get to be on a stage. It may take me years of hearing the word NO! But I'm confident in saying there will come a day where that casting director will say Yes. But for right now I'm unsure of what to do.
 I'm doubting my own intelligence. I'll admit it I'm not the most mathematical person. I can do simple Maths and maths that really applies to the real world .I'm not the greatest at Ancient history, I love learning about it but I hate analysing it. Unfortunately the board of studies don't care about how much I love agrippina the younger ;they care about how well I can evaluate her legacy. As well as use condradicting sources as evidence. The results of this, for me personally are making me doubt if I can even have my back up plan. I have 2 subjects that I absolutely love; drama and entertainment industry. I work hard at both because they are my main interests and I get results . Not to say that I don't work at all of my subjects. I just seem to only get results in drama and entertainment. I think I'm scared about joining the real world. Becoming an adult is scary. So do I really want to be an actor when I grow up or do I want it because I'm not smart enough for anything else? 

Let me know if you have any similiar thoughts 


xoxo Belle 

Here I go

I'm not really sure on what to write on this first post but I've read enough blogs to have an idea on what to write. For the purpose of this first entry I'm May just tell you about myself. 
Here we go

My name is Belinda 
I'm 17 and I'm in my final term of high school 
I live in Sydney, Australia  
I love my family, my friends, theatre and travelling 
I have one sister who is 6 years older than me. 
I sing, act,write,dance, read and tell really bad jokes. 
I'm very active on social media (if you call trying to pick up guys with bad lines on twitter active) 
My aspiration and passion is to be onstage. I don't really care how I get there as long as I get to be a professional actor giving people happiness. (I will probably do a whole blog post on this later) 

Why did I decide to start this ? 
In all honesty I have wanted to start a blog for a long time and I thought why not now? I want to document my final term of high school, now that I'm about to enter the real adult world with all it's scariness and I want to share my inner thoughts and feelings about becoming an adult, saying bye to my childhood. 

That's really it for now. I think I'll try and set a goal and post once a week. Let's see how this goes if I don't get any readers then it's only a benefit for me, I can look back at this in 15 years time and see what i was doing at 17. 

xoxo Belle