Sorry it's been a while since the last post been really busy. Since our last talk I've done 40% of my final drama exams. My monologue was a hit. I made the markers laugh and I hope the marks reflect how much work I put Into it. My group performance was also quite amazing... Even though they asked us to start again because they couldn't see our faces. We didn't get penalised for it (THANK GOD!) but I'm positive that we did the best job that we could and I hope our marks really reflect that. I also went to see Glenn St theatres production of The Removalists it was good, it was a very different interpretation to what I've seen in the past but it was still interesting to watch.
Apart from that I've really just been getting results from my trial exams and i think that I could of handled them better and my marks reflect that (our timetable was really screwed up.. I had seven exams in the first five days. Cheers for that organisers!) It doesn't matter what the marks are I'm just motivated to do better (especially in the two subjects I really have the most potiential to get a band six in ) Everyone hits a slump in their life. But this is not the time to stop working .we are constantly told not to give up and to keep going. We are almost there. But where are we going university? Tafe? Workforce? What if the plans we always had are not realistic goals?
For me it's always been "I want to be an actor " but I'm only now realising how scary the dream can truly be. I know in my heart how much I'm willing to work and sacrifice to get to my dream but just in the last couple of weeks I'm coming to the conclusion that you can't always take the direct route to you dreams sometimes life will send you the scenic route and that's okay.
I'm terrified of what's gonna happen from now until December 18th when the results come out but I know that the number will not define my life and my goals. I think that a lot of people forget that it's just a number it doesn't define the rest of your life. If you work hard and are passionate and forget the fear then nothing stands in your way of getting to your goals.
I know I'll get to them one way or another and if life decides to take me the scenic route then I'll enjoy the journey. I'd rather be happy then be doing something that I hate. I think that's the real goal. Happiness
xoxo Belle
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