Monday, 22 December 2014

|Catch- up|

Hey everyone,

The Christmas season is upon us and that means one thing. Money! No I'm totally kidding by the way. Christmas is a time of reflection and seeing what we can do to make the upcoming year better than the last. It also means stuffing your face and seeing family that you only see once a year for a catch up. 

Speaking of catch up. I know I promised a new post every Friday but sometimes that may not happen because.. I HAVE A JOB!! I know, I know its new information for you all to process but this is something in my life that is a big step in me becoming "an adult" earning money. Seeing my pay go in for the work I do(which is waitressing at a restaurant.. I'm not telling you all which one but pigs are involved) seeing my pay go in is such a good feeling because I know how hard I've worked for it and how hard i will continue to work and for that it makes me feel amazing. 

I work with a lot of amazing people all with different interests and I feel like I fit in well with them. It's a different kind of feeling then trying to fit in in school. It just happened naturally at work, not to say that I don't see or don't wanna see the people I spent most of my life with because they will always mean a lot to me. You never forget those people and you also never forget your first job and the people you meet there and I certainly won't forget the people I work with. 

Christmas is also a time for reflection. I got my HSC results and I wasn't please with my result. I'm my own worst enemy and I was certainly hard on myself for my results in the HSC. My dad, was also hard on me but there was a little light at the end of the tunnel. I got a uni offer which is absolutely amazing and was just a massive sigh of relief to know that a university wants me to study with them. 

2015 seems to be a big year, even bigger than 2014 with so many changes coming. I swear that i will also have a schedule to write. I won't ever forget about this little project. I'm already working on some special posts that I think you will like. 

My question for you all; What is your biggest accomplishment of 2014? 
Tweet me your answers I'd LOVE to know 

xoxo Belle